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Focus On Eating A Balanced & Healthy Diet



Whether you embark on a fitness program with Total fitness training or train individually, it is vital that you focus on eating a balanced and healthy diet that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Weight loss can be easier for some than others for several reasons like hormones, genetic make up, allergies, digestive disorders or bad food and beverages choices for your metabolic needs.

No one diet fits all, its individual but there are some basic golden rules that help us achieve a healthy balance. The human body is very clever and once it is fuelled properly and with consistency for your needs you will reap the benefits.

Balancing your blood sugar is paramount in helping you achieve weight loss goals.

What foods you choose, the portion size, the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are all components in keeping your blood sugar steady and keep you feeling satisfied with sustained energy.

White goods like breads, rice, pasta, biscuits, muffins and other baked goods are all fast releasing carbohydrates and offer you a pick me up, but drops you just as quick leaving you looking for your next energy hit, this in turn tends to have you reaching for sugar in one form or another or perhaps a hit of caffeine, It’s a rollercoaster!
To make it simple, foods that enter your bloodstream quickly promote  weight gain; foods that enters slowly promotes weight loss. When you balance your blood sugar you don’t feel slumpy, tired or hungry, you feel energized, satisfied and sustained, sound’s good doesn’t it!
A Low GL diet is a great way for you to balance your blood sugar.

It helps you choose the right kinds of carbohydrates that don’t spike blood sugar levels and have the necessary fibre and nutrients you require from carbohydrates for steady energy and weight loss.

So whatever weight loss path you choose make sure it is a balance of healthy lifestyle and exercise and good Luck!

Mary O Brien

Dip. I.T.E.C .Personal Trainer

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